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Monday 29 July 2013



Off Late I have been in touch with a lot of SCCM Admins who have been giving Interviews in Various Companies . I have noticed a pattern which is specific to specific companies . Some of the generic questions being asked are :

What is the difference Between Query and a Report ?
What is difference between Refreshing a collection and updating a collection ?
What are the log files to check for software distribution ?
What is the difference between Program and Application ?
Why do we Extend AD Schema ? Is it a Mandatory Step ?
What is the Difference Between Hardware Inventory and Software Inventory ?
What are log files for Inventory ?
How can we check if the SCCM Server management Point is Up and Running ?
What are SCCM management Point Log Files ?
What is the Difference Between Distribution Point and Secondary Site ?
What is Branch Cache ?
What are Log Files for Patch Management ?
What is the Concept of Content Library ?
What is the Log Files which you will check to Trouble Shoot OSD Issues ?
Some Reporting Related Questions Could be :

Write a SQl Script to find all the programs in Add Remove Programs

Write a SQl to find Xp machines in the Environment


Trust me !! If you have Answers to these questions , you will get 50 % questions similar to ones mentioned above ( Unless the Interviewer sees this post ;-) )

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